In the News in Canonsburg

June 24, 2017 Dr. Paul Mittman ND, president of Sonoran University of Health Sciences presented Dr. Heidi Weinhold ND with an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters. She received this great honor in recognition of her work to advance legislation to license Naturopathic Doctors in Pennsylvania.
Date: Saturday, February 22nd, 2025
Time: 10:00am - 11:00am
Topic: Naturopathic Supportive Care in Oncology
Location: Hilton Midtwon, New York, NY
Heidi Weinhold ND will present natural modalities to help balance the side effects and enable patients to tolerate the demands of completing conventional treatment. She will also discuss integrating natural modalities to provide enhanced effectiveness to conventional treatment.
Date: Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
Time: 12:00pm
Topic: Nursing, Homeopathic Strategies For Self-Care
1 SEU Available: Virtual Presentation
Heidi Weinhold ND will discuss homeopathic medicines customized for the specific needs of the nursing community. Dealing with stress and pain without the use of drugs.
Previous Talks

I had a magical evening with my peers at Ce Soir Brasserie. It was a wonderful opportunity to exchange clinical pearls in a relaxed setting. Beautiful French restaurant in Toronto, Canada.

I enjoyed speaking to the Naturopathic Medical Students at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine about the benefits of Integrating Homeopathic Medicines in conventional oncology treatment plans

Date: Friday, October 5th
Topic: Naturopathy Protocols for Sports Injuries & Osteoarthritis

Date: Saturday, June 8th | 9:00am - 10:30am
Location: Virtual
Heidi Weinhold ND is scheduled to discuss “Anxiety: The Fear of Fear” during the Mind Matters Conference: An Integrative Approach for Wellbeing.
The entire conference is virtual this year and eligible for Continuing Education Credits. Recordings are available for registered attendees.
For more information CLICK HERE
Date: Tuesday, March 19th | 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: University Of Pittsburgh Medical Students Integrative Health Interest Group
Heidi Weinhold ND is giving a guest lunch lecture. The topic is "Incorporating Natural Modalities to Enhance Conventional Oncology Treatment Plans".

Date: February 17, 2024 @ 10-11am
Location: New York Hilton Midtown, New York City
Heidi Weinhold ND is co-presenting with rheumatologist, Dr. Lindsay Ledwich, on an “Integrative Approach to Treating Viral Induced Autoimmune Disease” at the 2024 The Integrative Healthcare Symposium.
Date: Wednesday, December 6th, 2023 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Sonoran University, Tempe, Arizona
Homeopathic Pearls for Women's Health
Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2024 | 7:00pm
Location: Guest Lecturer for the Integrative Therapies Program at Drexel University
Homeopathic Supportive Care in Oncology
Date: Friday, November 17, 2023, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Duquesne University 325 Fisher Hall
Nursing, Homeopathic Strategies For Self-Care: Heidi Weinhold ND will discuss homeopathic remedies, customized for the specific needs of the nursing community. Dealing with stress and pain without the use of drugs.
Thursday, September 28th, 2023 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm
South Hills Support Group for Hair Peace Charities
Location: 44 Abele Rd, in the iHeart Radio Stations, 1st floor
Contact: Bonny Diver (412) 327-5177
Topic: "Homeopathic Support to Integrate with Conventional Oncology Treatment." Naturopath, Dr. Heidi Weinhold, will discuss homeopathic medicines to aid with common symptoms of conventional oncology treatment.
Thursday, October 5th | 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Eleven, 1150 Smallman St, Pittsburgh
Contact: Kathy Kross by email:
Topic: Heidi Weinhold ND will be discussing “Homeopathy Pearls for Gynecology” for the Pittsburgh Chapter of the Physician Assistant Association. Seating is Limited. To RSVP
Wednesday, May 10th, 2023
Topic: Dr. Weinhold participated as a member of the panel discussion for the Integrative Medicine Demonstration Day for the first-year University of Pittsburgh Medical Students.

Wednesday, April 26th, 2023
Topic: I was invited to attend the Precision Health Symptom Science Mini-Symposium held during the Annual Oncology Nursing Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Wonderful event. Nice opportunity to share ideas and collaborate between professions.

Friday, April 14th, 2023
Topic: I was honored to return to my Alma mater in Scottsdale, Arizona to speak to the Naturopathic Medical Students about Homeopathy.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Topic: I was able to meet with Dan Kellman ND, director of Naturopathic Support and Rehabilitation Services at City of Hope Atlanta located in Newnan, Georgia. This is a beautiful cancer hospital. There are 3 very impressive Naturopathic Doctors currently on staff providing safe natural and homeopathic support to help manage the side effects and improve conventional cancer care treatment outcomes.

Monday, February 20, 2023
Topic: Speaking to Nursing Students at Duquesne University about the importance of Self-Care.

Topic: I was honored to have the opportunity to speak to my colleagues in California about "Rethinking MS: Targeted Naturopathic Strategies to Uplevel Your Treatment Plans for Multiple Sclerosis."

Thursday, October 13th, 2022, 6:00pm
Topic: Evidence-Based Protocols for Integrating Homeopathy into Breast Cancer Treatment Plans
A live webinar on the value of safely integrating homeopathy to address cancer-related side effects. Practitioner audience recommended. Hand-outs included. Free to those who pre-register.
Naturopathic Approach to Multiple Sclerosis
Heidi Weinhold, ND
Multiple sclerosis affects more than 1 million people living in the United States and currently has no known cure. Naturopathic medicine provides many modalities to help reduce inflammation, modulate immune function, increase mobility, reduce stress, and improve the quality of life of those living with MS. Dr. Weinhold will discuss how naturopathic physicians can help support MS patients utilizing diet, lifestyle management, botanical medicine, nutraceuticals, and homeopathic medicine. She will share case studies and some clinical pearls that can be implemented into clinical practice.
Monday, February 28, 2022, 6-7PM
Location: Duquesne University
Topic: Nursing, Homeopathic Strategies for Self-Care: Heidi Weinhold ND will discuss homeopathic remedies, customized for the specific needs of the nursing community. Dealing with stress and pain without the use of drugs.
Thursday, April 7, 2022 @ 6:30pm-8:30pm
Location: Eleven, 1150 Smallman St, Pittsburgh
Heidi Weinhold ND is discussing “Evidence-Based Protocols for Integrating Homeopathy into Breast Cancer Treatment Plans“ for the Pittsburgh Chapter of the Physician Assistant Association. This event is by reservation only and seating is limited to the first 20 people that register.
Dr. Weinhold was honored to have her abstract, “Evidence-Based Protocols for Integrating Homeopathy into Breast Cancer Treatment Plans: Clinical Update”, selected for poster presentation at the 47th Annual ONS Congress and will be published in an online issue of the Oncology Nursing Forum.
Dr. Weinhold's article "Homeopathic Calendula Cream for Radiation Burns" was featured in Natural Awakenings May 2021 Greater Pittsburgh Edition.
Thursday, May 13, 2021@ 5pm ET
Dr. Weinhold discusses a "Naturopathic Approach to Digestive Disorders" with pharmacist Aaminah Shaw. Click the link to stream the show for free. Listeners can call in to the show 310-371-5444 with their questions. There will be free giveaways during the show.
Wednesday, May 12, 2021 from 10:15am - 11:15am
Dr. Weinhold is scheduled to speak with the first-year Pitt medical students about Naturopathic Medicine.
Saturday, May 8th @ 12:00 pm
Dr. Weinhold is scheduled to present "Homeopathic Protocols for Sports Injuries & Post-Concussive Syndrome" to the International Federation of Sports Chiropractic (FICS Global Symposium) scheduled for May 7-9, 2021
Thursday, January 21st @ 5:00 pm ET
Dr. Heidi Weinhold discusses "Natural Approaches to Stress & Anxiety" with Pharmacist, Aamina Shah. Click the link to stream the show for free Listeners are able to call in to the show with their questions by dialing 310-371-5444.
Tuesday, January 19th, 2021 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Dr. Weinhold is scheduled to present, "Incorporating Homeopathic Treatments into Nursing Practice: Ongoing & Changing Treatments in Homeopathic Medicine" for the SWPA RN Club. This meeting will be held via Zoom. If you are a nurse interesting in learning more about this event, please contact the organizer Mary A O'Connor Ph.D., MSN, RN at
Friday, October 23rd, 2020 1:00pm
Dr. Weinhold is presenting, "Integrating Natural Modalities with Pharmaceuticals for Depression & Anxiety" at the Neonatal Advanced Practice Pharmacology Course at UPMC Magee Hospital scheduled for Friday, October 23rd at 1pm.
Saturday, October 17th, 2020 NYANP Annual Conference
Heidi Weinhold ND is a featured presenter at the New York Association of Naturopathic Physicians Annual Conference on October 17, 2020. She is discussing the advantages of "Integrating Homeopathy into Breast Cancer Treatment Plans". Attendees will receive an easy to follow Homeopathic chart that medical providers can use to dose homeopathy and incorporate homeopathic protocols into their Breast Cancer Treatment Plans. Attendees have the option to attend live in New York City or virtually. For more information:
Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020 8:00am - 4:00pm
Dr. Weinhold is a featured presenter for the Pittsburgh Business Group on Health (PBGH) Annual Health Care Symposium. She will discuss "Staying Resilient: Natural Strategies to Manage Stress & Anxiety"
For more information:
Wednesday, May 20th, 2020 12:00PM ET
Psychology, Naturopathy, a Blended Approach to Ease Situational Stress & Anxiety
The "Blended Approach Series", with Psychologist, Cathy Petchel and Naturopathic Doctor, Heidi Weinhold. First topic in the series, a blended approach to ease situational stress and anxiety. The speakers will discuss non-narcotic options to stay calm, energized, and clear-headed while under immense stress. Dr. Heidi Weinhold will discuss natural modalities such as herbs and homeopathic remedies. Licensed psychologist, Cathy Petchel, will give participants practical tips to manage situational anxiety. Cost for this 1 hour Lecture: $20 per person
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Cathy Petchel is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Professor of Psychology at Washington and Jefferson College in Pennsylvania. She is the Founder and President of Baywood Consulting LTD, a private practice dedicated to client care. She conducts presentations, in-services and workshops regionally, nationally and internationally. She has accumulated over 40 years of experience with over two decades of work specializing in Bipolar Spectrum Disorders and Disorders of Mood and Anxiety.
Her current and prior service work includes:
Chair: Professional Development Committee, Pennsylvania Psychological Association Chair: Co-Curricular Advisory Committee and Co-Chair: Health and Wellness Initiative within Washington and Jefferson College. International Society of Bipolar Disorders, Executive Board, Advocacy and Community Engagement Task Force and Women’s Initiative, Chair: Mental Health Association of Allegheny County, Esprit Awards and Advocacy Committee
Dr. Heidi Weinhold completed a four-year doctoral program in Naturopathic Medicine from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona. In 2013, she received the Alumni Award from Southwest College in recognition of her contribution to the advancement of Naturopathic Medicine. In 2017, Southwest College further honored Dr. Weinhold by bestowing upon her an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters.
From 2006-2018, Dr. Weinhold served as the legislative chair for the Pennsylvania Association of Naturopathic Physicians (PANP), working with legislators to promote legislation to license Naturopathic Doctors in Pennsylvania. A giant step towards this effort was achieved with the passage of House Bill 516 in 2016. HB 516 provides title protection and registration for Naturopathic Doctors graduating from accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges.
Dr. Weinhold received the 2017 Physician of the Year Award by the Pennsylvania Association of Naturopathic Physicians.
Dr. Weinhold has a private practice in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania and served as an adjunct faculty member in the Integrative Health Studies program at Chatham University in Pittsburgh. Dr. Weinhold has given guest lectures to the Duquesne University Holistic Nursing Students, University of Pittsburgh Medical Students, UPMC Mercy Hospital Nurse Alumni Association, UPMC Shadyside School of Nursing, Pittsburgh Chapter of the Physician Assistant Association, Seton Hill Physician Assistant Students, and the Southwest Pennsylvania Nurse Rehabilitation Association.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Heidi Weinhold ND was honored to address First Year University of Pittsburgh Medical Students about Naturopathic Approaches to Pain Relief. They are a very impressive group of young people.
Tuesday, April 14th, 2020
Dr. Weinhold delivered a customized recorded webinar for the Pennsylvania Physician Assistant Association-Southwest Chapter. She shared some of her ideas on how to help Physician Assistants during this time of stress, exhaustion, and burnout. If you are a health care professional, please consider Dr. Weinhold as a guest lecturer.

Appalachian Botanical Company LLC received our official Certificates for a Women's Business Enterprise (WBE) and Women Owned Small Business (WOSB).
Dr. Weinhold recently delivered a recorded webinar on “Avoiding ‘Burnout’: Natural Modalities for Self-Care” to the UPMC Shadyside School of Nursing. Her talk was customized for health care professionals that are dealing with the physical and mental ‘Burnout’ due to the very real challenges of their profession. It was an honor to serve those who are now serving in such a magnanimous manner. If you are a health care professional, please consider Dr. Weinhold as a guest lecturer.
Thursday February 20th - Saturday, February 22nd, 2020
Dr. Heidi Weinhold is attending the Integrative Health Symposium in New York City as part of her commitment to stay current on evidence-based clinically relevant information in her private practice.
Wednesday, February 26th, 2020 at 8:00PM ET
Save the Date! Dr. Heidi Weinhold is presenting a free webinar sponsored by Boiron on "Homeopathic Treatments for Post-Concussive Syndrome". If you know of anyone who suffers from Post-Concussive Syndrome and could benefit from this information, please share this link with them.
Monday, December 2nd, 2019
Heidi Weinhold ND will be speaking on World AIDS Day about "Natural Therapies to Enhance ART" (Antiretroviral therapy) at Allegheny General Hospital. This continuing education event is intended for physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and other healthcare providers. Please see the link below to register.
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019
Heidi Weinhold ND is scheduled to present to the Duquesne Nursing students about "Incorporating Homeopathic Remedies into Nursing".

Dr. Heidi Weinhold recently had the opportunity to present her poster “Incorporating Homeopathic Arnica in Peri-Surgical Protocols to Reduce the Need for Narcotic Medication” to the Southwestern Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders (SWPONL) Conference at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort.
Veterans Administration to Cover Services of Licensed Naturopathic Doctors
Thursday, August 8th from 4-5 pm at Seton Hill University, Greensburg, PA
Friday, August 23rd @ noon at Mercy Hospital Auditorium
Avoiding "Burnout": Natural Modalities for Self-Care
Dr. Weinhold will discuss the use of homeopathy and natural modalities to deal with stress and anxiety in the workplace to the Mercy Hospital Nurse Alumni Association. (Example: homeopathic gelsemium was found in first aide kits during the Civil War, for "courage in battle".). She will also recommend products that she uses in her practice for sleeplessness, bruising, and back pain. Her talk will be customized for health care professionals that are dealing with physical and mental "burn out" due to the very real challenges of their profession. Attendees must RSVP in advance.
Monday, May 6th @ 11:00am & Thursday, May 9th @ 11:00am
Avoiding "Burnout": Natural Modalities for Self-Care
Dr. Weinhold will discuss the use of homeopathy to deal with stress and anxiety at UPMC Shadyside School of Nursing. (Example: homeopathic gelsemium was found in first aide kits during the Civil War, for "courage in battle".). She will also recommend products that she uses in her practice for sleeplessness, bruising, and back pain. Her talk will be customized for health care professionals that are dealing with physical and mental "burn out" due to the very real challenges of their profession.
Wednesday, April 3rd from 10:00am - 11:15am
Heidi Weinhold ND is scheduled to speak to the first year Pitt Medical students about a "Naturopathic Approach to Pain Management".
Thursday, March 14, 2019 at 6:30PM at Vallozi's Restaurant
Dr. Weinhold is scheduled to discuss "Homeopathy Pearls for Physician Assistant Clinical Practice" for the Pittsburgh Chapter of the Physician Assistant Association. Topics to be discussed: Pre & Post Surgery Protocols, Homeopathic Remedies for Everyday Aches & Pains, and Stress & Anxiety. This event is by reservation only and seating is limited. Location: Vallozi's Restaurant, 220 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA.
Friday, February 22nd | Wednesday, February 27th | Monday, March 11th
Dr. Weinhold is scheduled to present to the Duquesne Nursing students about "Incorporating Homeopathic Remedies into Nursing" on the following dates: Friday, February 22nd, Wednesday, February 27th, and Monday, March 11th.
Friday, February 22, 2019 8:00am - 9:30am Rivers Club Women's Leadership Forum
Dr. Weinhold is a featured guest speaker for the Women's Leadership Forum and is scheduled to present during the Breakfast Meeting on "Naturopathic Approach to Treating Burnout Syndrome in the Workplace" at the Rivers Club in Oxford Center. This event is by reservation only and seating is limited. For inquiries, please contact:
Monday, February 4, 2019 St. Margaret's School of Nursing. 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Dr. Weinhold is presenting to the nursing students during a Lunch & Learn "Incorporating Homeopathic Remedies into Nursing"
Are you feeling stressed? Dr. Heidi Weinhold ND will be attending a very prestigious conference in Nice, France which will focus on cutting edge natural therapies to deal with psychological burnout. If you are one of millions of people dealing with burnout in the workplace or in your personal life she encourages you to call the office at 724-941-7701 to schedule an appointment.
Wednesday, October 8, 2018 at Duquesne School of Nursing
Dr. Weinhold is scheduled to speak with Duquesne Nursing students about “Incorporating Homeopathic Remedies in Nursing”.
Thursday, October 4th from 6:30-9:00PM at the restaurant Eleven
Dr. Weinhold is scheduled to speak to other medical professionals about "Integrative Therapies for the Treatment of Lupus". This event is by reservation only and limited to 25 attendees.
Monday, October 1st from 7:30PM-8:30PM, West Virginia University
Dr. Weinhold is scheduled to speak to the WVU Pre-Medical Club about a "Naturopathic Approach to Pain Management"
September 24th, 2018
"Pumpkin vines encircle my firepit. Immersing myself in the process, hands in the dirt, weeding, watering, nurturing, part of the circle, from flower to fruit, is an excellent way to decompress."
This quote from Dr. Weinhold recently appeared in the Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges (AANMC) newsletter. There are 7 accredited schools in 8 locations across the U.S. & Canada
January 18th & 19th, 2019 at the 7th International Center for Education and Development of Homeopathy (CEDH) Conference.
Dr. Heidi Weinhold will be attending the 7th International Center for Education and Development of Homeopathy (CEDH) Conference in Nice, France on January 18-19, 2019. The theme of the conference is: Psychological Health at Work, Behavioral Disorders, and Treating Burnout Syndrome to Help reduce the use of prescription drugs. The knowledge that she will take away from this prestigious conference, will help to aid workplace burnout.
August 30th & 31st at Nemacolin Woodlands.
Dr. Weinhold was selected to give her poster presentation, "Incorporating Homeopathic Arnica in Peri-surgical Protocols to Reduce the Need for Narcotic Medication", at the 2018 Annual SWPONL Nursing Leadership Conference.
Wednesday, May 16th from 6:00pm-8:00 PM at Health South Harmarville Rehab Hopsital.
Dr. Weinhold is scheduled to present the Association of Rehab Nurses. The topic is "Natural Therapies to Help Improve Cognitive Function Following a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or Stroke."
Thursday, April 26th from 6:30-8:30 PM at Nola on the Square.
Dr. Weinhold is scheduled to speak to the Pittsburgh Chapter of Physician Assistants on "A Naturopathic Approach to Pain Management".
- "Naturopathic Doctors Are on the Front Lines of the Battle Against Opioid Addiction" by Amy Rothenberg Pittsburgh Post-Gazette April 2018
"State Now Requires Naturopathic Doctors to be Licensed" by David Templeton Pittsburgh Post-Gazette November 2016 -
"New PA Law would have naturopaths be registered" by Wes Venteicher, November 7, 2016 -
Dr. Heidi Weinhold -SCNM December 7, 2016 Success Stories -
Pennsylvania Governor Signs Naturopathic Medicine Bill AANMC Press Release -
Stress is NOT a Natural Part of School. Manage Stress Naturopathically -
Dr. Heidi Weinhold ND/ Is Stress Killing You Slowly? Health Nuts Program hosted by Dr. Chris Carr -
SCNM alumna Dr. Heidi Weinhold discusses regulation -
Student Rainforest Expedition to Costa Rica
(August 24 - September 2, 2007) -
World Health Mission to Nigeria
(Jan. 2007) | Dr. Heidi Weinhold spent three weeks in Nigeria to deliver medical supplies, set up diabetic testing sites, and to tour HIV hospitals. -
Dr. Heidi Weinhold lectured to Naturopathic medical students and authored a pamphlet called, "Naturopathic Support During Conventional Cancer Therapy." August 2007